Costs of Senior Living vs. Staying Home

Stay at home? Move to a community? Our Cost of Living Calculator can help you decide your best value.

Is staying at home the way to save? Many people assume so…but the facts might surprise you.

Use this easy online calculator to itemize and total your current expenses. Use that figure to help you compare living at home to everything included in the services and amenities offered by Westminster Canterbury Richmond.

What you won’t be able to calculate is the peace of mind you’ll have every day, knowing you have the security of Life Care and a solid, at-the-ready plan for your future.

For more information, click here to contact us online or call 877-277-9908.

Stage 1: Home Ownership

Home icon.

What’s the true cost of staying in your home? Total up all the key factors, from your mortgage or rent to property taxes, insurance and periodic repairs.

What do you currently spend each month for:

Take your yearly payment and divide it by 12

Roof repairs, foundation repairs, driveway repairs, remodeling, etc.

Stage 2: Home Upkeep

Home upkeep icon.

Now add up everything you spend on everyday bills—utilities, yard work, gutter cleaning and more. Don’t forget to think about all the time you spend on household chores. Couldn’t that be time better spent?

What do you currently spend each month for:

Electricity, gas, water, trash removal, sewer, cable TV

Cleaning supplies or cleaning/maid service

Plumbing, electricity, pest control, painting, HVAC, lighting, yard care, gutter cleaning, tree pruning

Stage 3: Lifestyle

Shopping cart icon.

You’re paying for the rising cost of groceries and gasoline, let alone the extras–entertainment, recreation and travel. How big a bite does all that take out of your budget?

What do you currently spend each month for:

Stage 4: Wellness

Heart icon.

Perhaps you’re paying for a health club membership. Perhaps you need caregiver services. You may be subscribing to an emergency service or a 24-hour security system.

What do you currently spend each month for: